There are two big stories in Asheville. Both pertain to allegations of wrongdoing that defendants refer to as “personal attacks.”
In the first, 44 Asheville police officers signed a no-confidence petition against their chief, William Anderson. City leadership says the department has been in a sorry state since before the chief took his post, but they are getting it under control. The NCPBA wants to go after the chief, but the FOP thinks the claims are out of order. Councilman Cecil Bothwell wants to hold up the fighting until after the election, and the PBA is on Bothwell’s case for that.
In the next soap opera, Pam Myers is being attacked for mismanaging the Asheville Art Museum. Secret deals and misrepresentations of financials are blamed for the 2% tax increase citizens incurred to give the art museum $2 million, which was followed by twice as much in legal fees and such. In order to become more solvent, the museum recently sold naming rights to the State Employees’ Credit Union before procuring the requisite permission from council. Members of council thought that was OK, but movers and shakers have had enough.
If there is a moral to the story, besides that I am being immoral for gossiping, it might be that for all the bylaws and contracts, people will still find ways to work around the system and lie and believe lies about each other.