From my latest Townhall column:

He did this on ABC’s “Good Morning, America,” saying that while Obama would increase taxes on the wealthy, “It’s time to be patriotic.” And has said it in it political rallies, telling a woman who said her friends are worried that under Obama they faced a tax increase, that she should say to them: “It’s time to be patriotic.” …

Now this is a very strange definition of patriotism. True patriotism is not something that is demanded or coerced with the implicit threat of violence the way taxes are. Nations that demand acts of patriotism tend to be dictatorships. They also tend to be run by socialist blowhards, but that must be mere coincidence.

Biden is not discussing, after all, people giving more than they are required by way of taxation. He is most definitely talking about the government forcing people to pay more taxes, slapping it with the euphemism of patriotism.

Democrats are usually all about praising “dissent,” but when someone dissents about paying higher taxes, they become fire-breathing jingoists of the first order.

Well, if it’s “patriotism” to be quiet and allow the government to take even more of your family’s livelihood and not even avail yourself of all the civic tools to fight a tax increase peacefully, would Biden consider a mugging “charitable giving”? If his home were burglarized, would Obama sigh gratefully that at last he’s “given to the least of these my brethren”? Just how far would they go to redefine forceful taking as the cause of voluntary giving?