John Fund writes at National Review Online about bad news for Democrats contemplating 2022 midterms.
Everyone knows that President Biden’s national approval numbers have skidded downward in the wake of the Afghan debacle. But if those numbers continue to be weak, what does that portend for the 2022 elections and which party controls the House?
The American Action Network, a GOP-linked group, conducted its own surveys in seven key marginal congressional districts currently held by Democrats. They range from a suburban Detroit district to a seat in California’s Central Valley.
In each of the seven districts, Biden’s approval rating is below 50 percent in both foreign policy and in handling of the economy.
Republicans lead the generic ballot in the districts by an average six percentage points, and most importantly, by an average of nearly 20 points, those surveyed said that they viewed the Democratic $3.5 trillion spending plan as unnecessary and wasteful.
Since a president’s approval numbers track closely with his party’s vote in the midterm elections, the results should make Democrats question the wisdom of following Speaker Nancy Pelosi in support of the Bernie-Biden Budget-Buster Bill.
It’s just the latest bit of bad news for the Biden team. He’s facing increasing opposition to left-of-center policy priorities.
President Joe Biden’s sweeping liberal policy priorities already face a recalcitrant Senate. But he is increasingly finding his agenda at odds with another adversary: the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court’s decision this week not to block Texas’s “heartbeat” abortion ban is its latest ruling that undermines a liberal cause. The justices already lifted Biden’s eviction moratorium, but it refused to roll back Arizona’s election reforms. And the decisions push the Supreme Court back into the political spotlight before next year’s midterm elections.
If the Supreme Court overturns the landmark abortion case Roe. v Wade, it will be a tipping point for Biden and the institution as critics complain that the Republican-appointed majority of justices has turned the bench into an activist court, according to Matthew Green, a Catholic University of America politics professor.