A reporter?s job is to ask tough questions. Bill Clinton, apparently, has trouble dealing with that reality.
In an interview reminiscent of his verbal melee with Fox News? Chris Wallace, Clinton had a minor fit while taking questions Aug. 3 from Kate Snow of ABC News. It?s worth watching just to see Clinton?s reaction to Snow?s line of questioning.
Of course, Clinton may have cause to be ticked off. Obama is getting a free pass when it comes to tough questions, and those reporters who do take a stronger line with Obama get criticized.
For example, Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos asked Obama some discomfort causing, but perfectly legitimate, questions during a debate last April. Guess what happened? Liberal columnists and bloggers decried the debate as lacking integrity.
It?s called journalism, folks. If your candidate can?t take some tough questions, is he ready to lead the free world?