Quick update on the pro-CATS propaganda front…
Today Robert Bischoff writes to the Uptown paper of record to make clear that “government and politicians” are not the only supporters of light rail. Why, he and his other long-time train fans support light rail. There.
No where does Bischoff mention that he is a member of CATS’ Citizen Advisory Task Force, a government-appointed group that with the exception of Larry Bumgarner from Mint Hill, has rubber-stamped every single decision CATS and Ron Tober have made.
If the previous pattern holds, Bischoff’s missive will soon be followed by one from fellow train-junkie Martin Wheeler.
More importantly, Bischoff misleadingly claims that only those who back CATS’ current $9 billion transit plan support “an efficient and comprehensive transit system for the Charlotte area.” This is a leap.
There is certainly nothing efficient about spending billions of dollars on a transit plan that does nothing about traffic congestion — indeed does not intend to do anything about traffic congestion. Recall that building trains is a “means to an end.” The end? “Place making.”
The only way to compel “government and politicians” to junk the current plan and adopt an actual efficient, affordable, and comprehensive transit system is to repeal the half-cent and start over.
But CATS opposes this and so does Bischoff.
Update: Forgot to note that Bischoff wrote in defense of UNCC chancellor Phil Dubois and his transit study a couple of weeks back. That would be the same Dubois and UNCC that last year Bischoff sought support from for a passenger rail stop on campus as part of the NC Railroad service.
More astroturf.