I read with interest the N&R’s follow-up on Bill Knight’s victory over incumbent Yvonne Johnson in the Greensboro mayor’s race.

I don’t want to get caught up in any race issues — it’s just a fact of life that liberals are quick to bring it up when they don’t get their way.

Some might blame Johnson’s loss on —–gasp —— ‘a divided Greensboro,’ but the mayor took it out on her supposed supporters, doling out some pretty harsh criticism of “that lackadaisical, apathetic attitude that says ‘everything is going to be all right.’”

While it may be true, citizens don’t need to hear it from the candidate, much less when she’s also mayor. Johnson’s a nice lady, but she has an arrogant streak and this is a prime example. Her expression on the front page of Wednesday’s N&R speaks volumes.

Of course, she might be including herself among that “lackadaisical, apathetic” group that cost her re-election. I didn’t read it that way, though.