Dominic Pino of National Review Online highlights evidence that dispels a popular left-of-center election narrative.
About a year ago, President Biden gave a speech in Georgia in which he compared Republicans to segregationists and said that Georgia state politicians were implementing “Jim Crow 2.0” through “voter suppression and election subversion.”
As NR said at the time, the speech was disgraceful. As Ryan Mills noted a few days later, black voter registration had been increasing for years under Republican-controlled state government. As Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger wrote for NR in May, all the data on early voting showed that Georgia’s election reforms had not reduced turnout. As Mills wrote in November, the 2022 elections had the highest ever turnout for a midterm cycle in Georgia history.
And now, there’s a University of Georgia survey of 1,253 Georgia voters. …
… That’s right: 0 percent of black voters in Georgia said they had a poor experience voting. Zero.
On the positive side, 72.6 percent of black voters said their voting experience was excellent, almost identical to the 72.7 percent of white voters who said so.
Only 0.8 percent of black Georgia voters rated the job performance of election officials in their county as poor. That compares to 1.4 percent of white voters.
When asked if they faced a problem voting, any problem at all, 99.5 percent of black voters said they had not. That’s slightly more than the 98.7 percent of white voters who said the same.
On election confidence, 94.3 percent of black Georgia voters said they were confident their vote was counted as they intended, and 79.7 percent said they were confident the state counted all votes as intended. For white voters, it was 88 percent and 74.8 percent, respectively.
When asked whether it was easier or harder to vote in 2022 than it was in 2020, 19.1 percent of black voters said it was easier, compared to only 13.3 percent of white voters.