Geez, News & Observer editors must be desperate.  Today’s ironically titled editorial on the Republicans’ Excellent Public Schools Act, “School Truth,” includes the following whopper,

Meanwhile North Carolina has dropped in per-pupil spending to a rank somewhere in the mid- to high 40s among the 50 states.

Somewhere?  Dropped? Earlier this month, the N&O published an entire editorial about the fact that the National Education Association (NEA) ranked North Carolina 42nd in per-pupil spending. Remember this line?

Yippee – we’re 42nd! Take a bow, North Carolina! When it comes to education spending, kindergarten through 12th grade, there are eight states that spend even less per pupil than we do!

Moreover, the editorial indicated that North Carolina’s ranking improved, not dropped.

North Carolina had been dawdling along at No. 49 in the rankings, but based on the NEA’s forecasts for the fiscal year ending in June, our performance has improved.

I suppose the editors of the N&O may be referencing a different ranking of per-pupil expenditures.  If so, I would love to see it.