It could not happen to two nicer southern Arizona Democrats. In this corner Blue Dog Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords trying to save her vulnerable seat and in the opposite corner Progressive Democrat Rep. Raul Grijalva who is so outraged with Giffords over her support of the new immigration law in Az that he attacks her at DailyKos.
For the view from North Carolina don’t miss the JLF Headliner luncheon “2010 Election Preview” on September 29th
Giffords? district ? one with a significant Republican lean ? is currently rated as vulnerable
by respected analyst Charlie Cook. For a Democrat in a conservative
state, representing a Republican-leaning seat, it is important to stake
out moderate stances on controversial issues. That?s particularly true
on a hot-button issue such as immigration, which is obviously very
important to Arizona voters this year.That?s probably the reason
Giffords took to the airwaves to make clear that she opposes the
boycott favored by some liberals to pressure the state to rescind its
new immigration law. This was probably smart politics, but it put her
at odds with the liberal grassroots ? and with Congressman Raul
Grijalva, who was an advocate of the boycott. Worse still, Giffords?
border district abuts Congressman Grijalva?s and the two share the
Tucson media market. It?s that market where her ads are airing.