1) Do you believe that Mecklenburg County’s per capita tax burden of about $2687 to be too high, too low, or about right? Make no mistake, the tax burden in Mecklenburg County is far too high. In light of our current economic situation, a sound plan for stimulating the local economy would be to cut taxes on individuals and businesses alike. Doing so would put money back in the hands of our citizens and businesses, thus cultivating a climate of economic growth and private-sector job creation. The ‘snowball effect’ that would follow would bring about an environment of prosperity that would resonate across the county. Yet, to get there we will need strong leadership that is not afraid to re-prioritize our local budget and distinguish between Mecklenburg’s ‘wants’ and our ‘needs.’ Cutting wasteful spending projects, repealing same-sex domestic partner benefits, and denying bonus pay for County Management would be good focal points in that process.

2) Do you support or oppose the immigration legislation recently enacted by the state of Arizona? I wholeheartedly endorse the recent legislation that was passed in Arizona, as well as other initiatives aimed at securing our borders and protecting the lives, property, and liberties of law abiding citizens. Let’s face it, America is a land of unparalleled freedom and opportunity. It has always been a nation inhabited by the descendants of immigrants, and it will always remain that ‘beacon of light’ that Reagan often alluded to. America is not in the business of turning away those who want to come here and pursue the American Dream through legal methods. Yet, there is a process that must be adhered to, and those who choose not to abide by that process are, in fact, violating the established law as set forth by our Federal Government.

3) Do you support or oppose exploring the consolidation of city and county services using a purchased services contracting model? Yes, I support any initiative aimed at reducing the size and influence of government, including the consolidation of city and county services. I believe that pursuing such measures would help curb spending, stimulate competition, ensure efficiency, and ultimately reduce the burden on taxpayers.

Corey Thompson