Heavens, the calamity!

Opponents of a proposed sales tax on alcohol held a boisterous rally at the Capitol yesterday culminating in what organizers likened to the Boston Tea Party — a mass splashing of bourbon on the front steps of the statehouse.

“How many of y’all believe Kentucky bourbon needs more taxes?” shouted Makers Mark President Bill Samuels, one of the industry’s more colorful spokesmen and among nine distillery officials who emptied bottles of their signature whiskey outside.

The crowd roared “No!” and joined in chants of “No more taxes!” and “Save Our Jobs” as speakers protested that alcohol already is taxed enough at the wholesale level and with other taxes.

This will not work, of course. State legislators have already decided that they must raise taxes on someone, and booze is an easy mark. As I’m afraid we’ll soon find out here in North Carolina.