The November Reader’s Digest features a story on Durham cab driver Moezeldin Elmostafa, the man who spoke up for Duke lacrosse player Reade Seligmann and was later persecuted by DA Mike Nifong and the Durham Police Department.

Read the whole thing. The last paragraph is especially poignant:

As for Elmostafa, he still owes a friend $2,500 for attorney fees. But the experience hasn’t soured him on America. If anything, he says, it demonstrated a criminal justice system that works. He’s passed his citizenship exam and is waiting to be called to take the oath. “I’m looking forward to being a good citizen.”

Elmo, you’re already a good citizen. To bad you don’t hate America, though. If you did there’d be fund drives, candlelight vigils and “justice walks” to help you pay your lawyer.