Rick tells us that It still leaves us with a society that will grant a marriage license — and by extension the sanction to raise children — to the most immoral, dishonest and adulterous heterosexual, yet deny the same privilege to a religious, honest and monogamous homosexual
Two brief points:
1) Marriage is not a sanction to raise children, there is nothing legal or otherwise that is a pre-requisite to raise children in this society thus there is no privilege being denied. Just ask Rosie O’Donnell. and
2) Children are routinely removed from “immoral, dishonest and adulterous heterosexual” homes if those activities can be determined to be harmful to the child. Social services does this on a daily basis.
This argument doesn’t hold water in the real world. The real question is why “civil unions” are legally different than “marriages” with respect to the law. Change a few tax forms and this is a done deal. But that is incrementally not effective as it doesn’t change the implied religious definition of marriage.