Donald Bryson, state director of Americans for Prosperity, provided National Review readers a counterpoint to the recent Washington Post story that didn’t include anything from the reporter’s interview with Roy Cordato. Instead of an anecdote and some “did you notice anything?” questions, Bryson offers facts and statistics. He also provides a reminder that the predictions in 2013 were of a weaker economy and state budget. Because North Carolina’s economy has done well, the Post’s reporter was left to argue the tax cuts weren’t noticeable, but when the tide rises and lifts all the boats, nobody in the boats notices.
[Eric] Henry, whose T-shirt-manufacturing company “almost went belly-up in the in the mid-1990s,” said he’s been doing well in recent years and his business is growing. This summer, he had his best production month ever and gave a bonus to his employees. But, he said, he didn’t know people who benefit from North Carolina’s tax cuts.
I’d say he should look in the mirror. The truth, somewhat obscured by the article’s anecdotes, is that millions of North Carolinians like Eric Henry and his workers have steady jobs and live in a more prosperous economy because of North Carolina’s tax cuts.