The John Locke Foundation’s alternative state budget would spend $1 billion less than Gov. Pat McCrory over the next two years, while cutting tax rates and redirecting state spending to create jobs. Director of Fiscal Policy Studies Sarah Curry‘s “Budget for Growth” attracted attention from The same site also publicized Curry’s report on limiting nonvoter-approved debt for North Carolina state government.
The News & Observer sought input from Director of Research and Education Studies Terry Stoops about legislation designed to end North Carolina’s public school class-size mandates. The Selma News published Stoops’ column on a scathing report of the federal Head Start program. Both the Truth in American Education and Free North Carolina websites promoted Stoops’ recent question-and-answer guide to Common Core State Standards.
N.C. Senate Republicans promoted in their daily press emails Stoops’ column on the State Board of Education ignoring state rules. The Senate GOP also highlighted Health and Human Services Analyst Katherine Restrepo‘s column on privatizing Medicaid.
The Heritage Foundation’s “Insider Online” promoted Director of Regulatory Studies’ Jon Sanders‘ latest report on North Carolina’s renewable energy mandate, along with a Beacon Hill Institute analysis for JLF of renewable energy jobs claims, and a JLF report from The Hartgen Group and Reason Foundation on North Carolina transportation priorities. The Crony Chronicles website also touted the Beacon Hill Institute report.
A letter in Durham’s Independent Weekly cited the John Locke Foundation’s position on global warming. (The right-leaning John Locke Foundation stated in its 2010 agenda, “There is nothing that North Carolina can do, either by itself or in conjunction with other states, that will have a noticeable or beneficial effect on the climate.” )