Or perhaps end up like Wake County. Parents hate the year-round school “solution” to school crowding the school system has forced on them. The not small problem of a family having several kids with totally different school calendars seems not to have crossed anyone’s mind among the Wake County school planners.

David Bass reports:

Melissa Inglis, an Apex mother of three, said that her middle daughter was devastated at the thought of not being able to attend the same school as her older sister. “We’re a pretty close-knit family,” Inglis said. “It’s not just our vacation time. It’s the fact that it’s going to split up my family. My kids like each other. They like to play together, and their childhood is so short.”

The upset is driving some parents to consider moving or starting up their own schools as current private alternatives are full up as well. The important thing for Mecklenburg parents to remember is that once upon a time the Wake year-round talk was only supposed to be a voluntary option and the passage of massive $970 million school bond in November was supposed to relieve the pressure for mandatory year-around schools.

Didn’t happen. The planners had a different plan.