There were some surprises in the race for Buncombe County Commissioner seats. In the Democrat race, incumbents Carol Weir Peterson and Bill Stanley didn’t seem to feel the need to campaign, but they made it through the primary. K. Ray Bailey was my boss when I taught at AB Tech, and I dare say he did an excellent job of running the institution. Holly Jones was the overall top vote-getter. She’s the director of the local YWCA. Voters love her for her cheerleader personality, and reporters mumble because they find her sports jock lingo confusing and impossible to punctuate. Cecil Bothwell, surprisingly, did not make the cut. Having used his investigative reporting skills to build up the case against former Sheriff Bobby Medford, it is surprising there was not more interest in his drive to Sunlight the activities of the Buncombe County Commissioners, a noble endeavor.
In the Republican camp, Joe Dunn has always been popular for his no-nonsense fiscal conservativism. Don Yelton is both loved and hated, but if elected he’s sure to give County Manager Wanda Greene, who has a reputation for pulling the commissioners’ strings, a run for her money. Ron McKee was a surprise. His simple web page informs voters that he has a background in baseball. Another surprise was John Carroll. His web page sports a mishmash of fiscal conservatism, property rights, affordable local healthcare, and elder care. He has a strong background with the local Board of Realtors, and that seems to be a big selling point for candidates these days.