My kids’ history teachers used to get their BVDs in a wad when, as they discussed the great injustice done to the Hollywood 10 by the House Un-American Activities Committee, my kids would point out, “But, they WERE communists.” That little fact would spoil the brief session of hero worship and get other kids to asking inconvenient questions. And isn’t that what education is all about?

This Friday a bunch of Hollywood’s moldy commies and left-wingers will get together to “honor” the blacklisted 10. They’re even going to push Congress to apologize to these misguided people who signed on to a Fifth Column pushing an ideology bent on the destruction of the West’s freedoms and its economic system. As Red Diaper Baby (but reformed lefty) Ron Radosh writes:

It is not enough for them that Hollywood and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences formally asked forgiveness a decade ago. Now they want Congress to offer a formal apology, and in Los Angeles, they want a star honoring the Ten added to Hollywood’s Walk of Fame at the old Grauman’s Chinese Theater. Finally, they want a special Oscar to be handed out at next year’s Academy Awards honoring all those who were blacklisted.

Good luck with that.