This Herald-Sun story has the latest on the competition for the controversial federal bioterrorism lab. Butner in Granville County is a finalist. Based on comments reported in this story, NC State’s Barrett Slenning, who is with the state’s pro-lab consortium, says an Enviromental Impact Statement is expected soon. Slenning also lays out his view that Butner is facing stiff competition from Manhattan, Kansas.

We bring so many other things that we would hope that the accountants at the federal government would realize that,” Slenning said. “But, you never know.”

In late March, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius signed legislation providing for improvements for a site in her state. It would allow at least $105 million in bonds to help with land acquisition, road grading, parking, security fencing and the central utility plant. Slenning said he believed the money being put in by Kansas would be viewed “very positively” by many in the decision-making process.

Reporter Lisa Sorg of The Independent has been following this story closely. Here is a recent story.

You can find the Web site of the state consortium here.

The Web site of the group that opposes the lab, the Granville Non-Violent Action Team (GNAT), can be found here.