Appearing in today’s N&R, Cal Thomas offers up the interesting prospect of a Republican White House and a Republican Congress, something — correct me if I’m wrong —- that’s totally off the political radar scope:

If the public wants real reform, it will penalize the people and the party that failed to provide it. Voters can do more than “throw the bums out.” They can throw these bums out and replace them with freshmen Republicans who will take office with a reformer’s zeal and rebuild the government’s financial house before the Potomac fever virus infects them. With John McCain and Sarah Palin already committed to reform (as opposed to Barack Obama’s nonspecific “change”), the combination of a new Republican administration and a Republican Congress that has been chastened by its defeat in the 2006 election and imbued with a new zeal to change the way Washington works, could produce a revolution that would have made our Founders proud.

Quick side note: In reference to this column, my minister said from the pulpit that he “hates it when he agrees with Cal Thomas.” I didn’t understand, but I didn’t ask, either.