Parents have had enough in Virginia. They’ve risen up to push back against a public school system and leaders who want parents to cede teaching and molding children to the Left. And now it looks like Democrat Terry McAuliffe is in bigtime trouble, on the verge of losing the race for governor that many thought he would easily win. Remember, Virginia is a very blue state. Below is the new Fox News poll of likely Virginia voters. Incredible.

Republican Glenn Youngkin is leading, 53% to 45%.

Just days ago, McAuliffe reached back to former President Barack Obama for support.

“When you’ve got someone in your corner who has shown that they will work for you, who has a track record of accomplishments, then you have to go out there and work for them. Not because everything suddenly is going to be perfect but because it’s going to be better,” Obama told a crowd at Virginia Commonwealth University alongside McAuliffe.  

“We ain’t got time to be tired,” he continued. “What is required is sustained effort.” 

I think Mr. Obama has hit on a key point — “sustained effort.” That’s what Virginia parents have realized. To be heard and taken seriously, you need a sustained effort. The new Fox News poll is a reflection of that sustained effort.

Here’s what the Youngkin campaign has to say about parents.

To learn more about the candidates:

Terry McAuliffe here.
Glenn Youngkin here.

It’s important to note that not all education officials dismiss parents. North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction Catherine Truitt is a former teacher. Here’s what she told me about parental involvement when I recently talked to her on NewsRadio 680 WPTF.


Moral of the story: It matters who you elect.