Embracing sound bites while society rots, we are informed:

Polk County’s Community Child Protection Team said it reviewed four cases in 2011 and two of those might have been prevented if the children were required to be in school at an earlier age.

They “might” have been prevented by putting the wee little children in the commy indoctrination camps. Why not require children to be in the custody of a working daddy and a mommy who stays home baking apple pies for her man in high heels all day? That way, if junior wants to play the delinquent, wimpy mom can threaten him with his come-uppin’s when daddy comes home. How ‘bout an amendment on that one? Huh, huh? Instead of trying to be a civil society, we look after the protoplasm; videlicet, “Amendment One will deprive children of healthcare,” when, left to their under-supervised devices, the precious beebees are little monsters before the caregiver/custodian/gang recruiters can blink.