Tired of being mau-maued by greenies? Here’s you chance to fight back, and work against the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act at the same time:

Smoke cigars, do a partial load of laundry, drink bottled water, and feel no shame. That’s what a campaign against a carbon trading bill is urging.

The latest parody of the proliferation of “green” social-networking sites and eco-friendly events comes via “Carbon Belch Day,” a campaign from the conservative Grassfire.org alliance that encourages people to pollute as much as possible on June 12.

The effort is aimed at ginning up opposition to the Lieberman-Warner cap-and-trade legislation, said Grassfire.org spokesman Ron De Jong.

“Somehow, this bogus idea of environmental indulgences has become accepted as a real and valid way to deal with our carbon guilt,” De Jong wrote in an e-mail.