John Hood has explained why he believes former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will win the Republican presidential nomination. Now upcoming John Locke Foundation Headliner Timothy P. Carney offers his thoughts on Romney’s resilience in a new Washington Examiner article.

In Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice,” the dull Mr. Collins had little in his favor except that he stood to inherit the estate of Mr. Bennett. Young Lizzie Bennett, far too self-respecting and intelligent to consign herself to such a fate, spurned Mr. Collins’ marriage proposal. But three days later, Lizzie was stunned to learn that her friend Charlotte Lucas had accepted a proposal from Mr. Collins.

“When you have had time to think over,” Charlotte told Lizzie, “I hope you will be satisfied with what I have done. I am not romantic, you know; I never was. I ask only a comfortable home; and considering Mr. Collins’ character, connection, and situation in life, I am convinced that chance of happiness with his is as fair as most people can boast on entering the marriage state.”

The Republicans are Charlotte Lucas, and Mitt Romney is their Mr. Collins. Republicans are serial settlers when it comes to the presidency. Almost every time, GOP primary voters pick the “respectable,” connected and seemingly safe pick.