Listeners of this weekend’s edition of “People In Politics” on Curtis Media Group radio stations will hear Carolina Journal Managing Editor Rick Henderson discuss this week’s campaign finance-related guilty pleas from three supporters of former Gov. Beverly Perdue. Henderson’s article on that topic attracted attention from N.C. Senate Republicans in their daily press email.
The Senate GOP also cited Associate Editor Barry Smith‘s report on a scathing audit of North Carolina government’s information technology systems, along with Associate Editor Dan Way‘s article on the N.C. Medical Society’s Medicaid reform ideas.
A News & Observer editorial on school vouchers noted Way’s exclusive interview with Rep. Paul “Skip” Stam on that issue. A Kinston Free Press column on hydraulic fracturing — fracking — for shale gas cited contributor Sara Burrows‘ CJ article on the topic. (As Sen. Buck Newton pointed out in an article written by Carolina Journal’s Sara Burrows, we have an opportunity to turn our state’s economy around by releasing the vast amounts of gas believed trapped below North Carolina’s soil. )
Smith discussed the week’s top legislative news during a Google-plus conversation with Kelly McCullen of UNC Public Television’s “Legislative Week In Review.”