When NBC News’ “Today” show broke the news Thursday that former U.S. Sen. John Edwards admitted to fathering a child with his mistress, the story featured a pair of aerial photos of Edwards’ home shot by Carolina Journal Executive Editor Don Carrington. Meanwhile, this week’s CJ exclusives continued to attract attention from other media outlets. The News & Observer‘s WakeEd blog responded to Associate Editor David Bass‘ article on a Wake County Public Schools’ dispute involving a parents’ group and a personal check. A blog post from Bass on the American Spectator Web site discussed Democratic reaction to the Massachusetts Senate election. The Lucianne.com Web site designated that post, titled “Why They Can’t Explain the Obama Backlash,” a “must read of the day” for Thursday. Bass also wrote an American Spectator column on this week’s Edwards revelations. The Lincoln Tribune picked up Bass’ article on N.C. congressional reaction to the Massachusetts race, and Senate Republicans spotlighted that article in their daily e-mail. In other news, the Lincoln Tribune and Mint Hill Times both responded to Associate Editor Sara Burrows‘ update on federal stimulus dollars heading to bogus ZIP codes. The Duplin Times reprinted Burrows’ article on Gov. Beverly Perdue’s refusal to oppose the increased Medicaid funding mandate tied to federal health-care legislation. The Lincoln Tribune also published Associate Editor Michael Lowrey‘s piece on a state Appeals Court ruling that threw out Union County’s adequate public facilities ordinance. In addition, a Hickory Daily Record editorial on former Gov. Mike Easley’s legal issues cited CJ. (As recently reported by the Carolina Journal, Easley failed to list income from the rental of his Raleigh home on at least three annual economic interest statements.) The Rhino Times also mentioned CJ in a pair of articles this week. John Hammer’s “Under the Hammer” column highlighted CJ‘s role in uncovering the Easley scandal. Another article from Hammer mentioned he and brother William Hammer’s participation in last week’s John Locke Foundation 20th anniversary dinner.
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