The end of North Carolina’s longstanding statewide cap on public charter schools has led to a surge in applications to start new charter schools. Carolina Journal Associate Editor David Bass‘ article on that surge attracted attention this week from Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina. and promoted Associate Editor Sara Burrows‘ report on a nutrition blogger who faces potential legal action from a state board because of his writing. The Institute for Humane Studies’ spring newsletter recognized Burrows’ recent national media attention for her “chicken nuggets” story. (The same newsletter devoted a full page to John Locke Foundation founding chairman Art Pope’s support for IHS’ 50th anniversary Champions of Liberty Campaign.)
The N.C. FreeEnterprise Foundation promoted contributor Kristy Bailey‘s article about the Republican primary in N.C. House District 9. N.C. Senate Republicans promoted in their daily press emails Don Carrington’s report on Gov. Beverly Perdue’s widespread unpopularity and its potential impact on two upcoming campaign finance trials, along with JLF Office Manager Katelynd Day‘s CJ column on myths associated with higher education.