This Charlotte Observer headline says it all: “Charlotte DOT apologizes after Tuesday filming caused uptown gridlock.” The SNAFU:

The headaches began shortly before 7:30 a.m., when Charlotte-Mecklenburg police shut down Tryon and Stonewall streets and Levine Avenue of the Arts. Within minutes, traffic in uptown and adjoining neighborhoods slowed to a crawl.

“I tried to enter uptown from literally every direction – south, east and west – and it was backed up everywhere,” said Steven Shorkey, who works at Wells Fargo.

Also per the the UPoR: “CDOT: No more rush-hour street closures for filming.” Well, at least they admit their mistakes. Not like they had any choice but to. The key sentence:

The city requires permits to be issued for street closures. In this instance, the permit was given verbally, over the phone. [CDOT Director Danny Pleasant] said a staff member approved the closure for 7:30 a.m. without realizing the impact on traffic.

How does this unnamed staff member still have a job?