You and I might believe it is fair to say that the rules applying to the federal government are listed in the US Constitution, the changes taking place are socialist concentrations of power, and what is needed is respect for the rule of law. Vice President Joe Biden, however, appears to believe Washington is ruled by the law of the jungle, the change that is occurring is the change that is needed, and that change is dupe democracy. Behold:

We’ve got a fight on our hands. Powerful insurance companies are pulling out all the stops to defeat the President’s plan for health reform. They’re spending seven million bucks a week on lobbyists, blanketing the country with deceptive TV ads, and just funded two high-profile “reports” to distort what reform would mean for you.

I know their game. I was in the Senate the last time health reform came around, and I saw the special interests savage our efforts. Frankly, under the old rules of Washington they were nearly impossible to beat. But now, thanks to you, the rules are changing. All the lies, scare tactics and lobbyist shake-downs in the world are no match for the incredible work of Organizing for America supporters like you. That’s exactly what frightens them so much — and it’s what Barack and I are counting on.

I’m not very rich, but this missive, soliciting funds for Organizing for America, inspires me to contribute to insurance lobbyists.