Courtesy of the Chapel Hill News, here’s your opportunity to voice your view about UNC Chapel Hill’s inefficiency and bureaucratic bloat, which was uncovered by the consulting firm Bain & Company. From the CHN editorial:
Thorp said the report (available on the UNC Web site) demonstrates “that we are serious about changing the way we manage our operations.”
So far, so good. We believe the intent is there.
But the hard part comes next: deciding which concrete steps to take in order to accomplish increases in efficiency and decreases in costs, and then implementing them, seeing them through and following them up. Some of it will hurt in the short term. But, as with any fitness plan, the challenge is sticking with it.
We’ve told you our perspective on this issue. Now we want to know what you think. Send a comment of 75 words or less, with the subject line “Agree or Disagree,” to Dave Hart, associate editor, at [email protected]. We’ll print your responses here next week. Thanks.