To make a move in the board game Candyland, players choose cards that designate spaces on the board. After each card pulled, the player moves to the next available spot on the board that coincides with the picture on the card.

In most cases, a player pulls a card with a colored square (sometimes two colored squares), and then jumps his icon the requisite number of spaces. Occasionally, you’ll turn a card that depicts a rare space on the board, allowing you to jump way ahead of your competitors. But, it’s equally as likely that you’ll pull a rare card some time later in the game – after you’ve come close to reaching the end – and find yourself dumped near the beginning, only to have to start all over again.

The fun in the game is waiting to see what space you’ll get on the board when it comes to your turn. Even if you fall way behind your peers, you can always hope for a special card that jumps you way ahead, eventually winning you the game. And being closer to the end, definitely doesn’t guarantee you the win.

Now that you understand how to play and enjoy Candyland, read why Charlotte should adopt the name.