People attending the N.C. Public Charter School Association’s conference this week in Greensboro heard a presentation titled “Treading on the Charter Brand” from John Locke Foundation Director of Research and Education Studies Terry Stoops. At the same conference, Lindalyn Kakadelis of the N.C. Education Alliance led the workshop “The Good, Bad, and Ugly About Common Core.”
A recent letter in the Davie County Enterprise-Record cited Stoops’ research into the alarming rate of remedial education required at North Carolina community colleges. (Information from the John Locke Foundation states that 66 percent of the 111 students of the 2011 class entering community colleges were not academically qualified. To qualify they had to take remedial courses in one or more subjects before taking community college level courses.)
While Stoops was busy with education-related issues, promoted Director of Regulatory Studies Jon Sanders‘ research newsletter linking the recent high-profile debate over abortion legislation to ongoing efforts to reform North Carolina’s regulatory process. also highlighted Health and Human Services Policy Analyst Katherine Restrepo‘s newsletter documenting continuing problems with the federal health care law.
A guest column in the Fayetteville Observer cited Vice President for Research and Resident Scholar Roy Cordato‘s work on global warming. The Kinston Free Press cited JLF’s work criticizing North Carolina’s renewable energy mandate. (A John Locke Foundation study of this mandate found that, when fully implemented in 2021, it would increase North Carolina’s electricity rates by $1.8 billion, which translates into an average increase per household of 19 percent.)