Chelsea Clinton is complaining about the health insurance she gets from her hedge fund (soon to be former?) employer and using her dissatisfaction to pimp for government-provided health insurance.

Her political connections must be what make her a great fund manager; she can’t be there for her facility with numbers.

Chelsea claims there are 100 million uninsured in the country at some point in time, overstating a Families USA statistic by an eighth. The statistic itself is inflated to include anyone who went without insurance for even a day at some point in the past two years. Divide that in half and you get about 45 million people who were without insurance at some point in the course of a year, which is remarkably close to the official estimate of 47 million uninsured (and seems to address the undercount of people on Medicaid).

We may disagree on whether uninsurance is a crisis, but let’s at least start with an accurate definition of the problem.

One third of the country is not uninsured.