Interesting Winston-Salem Journal story on the continuing saga between the city and Harvey Davis.
As you probably remember, the city wants the Davis Garage site for a “transportation hub” and filed eminent domain to claim the property. Davis and the city finally worked out an agreement, and now certain council members —-along with “community organizers” pushing the hub—- are telling Davis it’s time to move on.
Davis is more than willing to move on –the only problem is city staff recommended against Davis’ rezoning request for a new site at Stratford and Jonestown roads.
What strikes me is the attitude of S.G. Atkins Community Development Corp. executive director Carol Davis, who said Davis “has had a reasonable amount of time to look for another place for his business, noting that she met with him in 2005 to look at a list of properties.” Atkins is making it sound like all Davis has to do is pick a piece of property and move.
It’s not that simple. Ever talk to a business owner —especially a small business owner —and had him describe what a hassle it is to relocate due to city rezoning restrictions?