This week, Carolina Journal’s Lindsay Marchello reported on the recent stay placed on the implementation of North Carolina’s new reading diagnostic tool, Istation. According to Marchello:
The N.C. Department of Information Technology Monday, Aug. 19, granted Amplify’s motion to temporarily stay the implementation of Istation while the dispute over the reading diagnostic contract is heard.
Marchello reports the timing could interfere with this year’s school instruction. The story quotes JLF’s Dr. Terry Stoops:
“This delay will likely harm classroom instruction,” Stoops said. “Teachers typically use reading diagnostic software at the beginning of the school year to provide a baseline assessment of student reading proficiency.”
Marchello reports:
Since Johnson announced the $8.3 million reading diagnostic contract would go to Istation, Amplify has sought to overturn the decision. For years the state has used Amplify’s mClass to monitor K-3 reading scores, but Johnson announced in June plans to use Istation instead.
…Amplify filed a formal protest claiming Istation doesn’t satisfy requirements in law and questioned the process that resulted in Istation winning the award. Some, including Amplify, claimed a committee formed to award the contract selected Amplify but Johnson chose Istation.
It is currently unclear when the stay will be lifted.
Read the full article here. Learn more about the controversy here.