At CMS? A cut? Superintendent Peter Gorman is making noises like every single position at CMS will get the once-over, especially the “support” positions. Administrators always insist they are not cutting anything related to teaching or classrooms, so nothing new there.

Plus, if Gorman really wanted to cut out stuff that “fails to produce results in the classroom” he’d go after some of the deadwood down at the Ed Center. Thus far that has not happened. Doesn’t mean it won’t, but facts are facts.

Then there are the rather obvious candidates for out-sourcing, as suggested by the CMS Task Force. If not the big chunks represented by transportation and food service, there is CMS’ in-house police force which has not exactly covered itself in glory in recent years.

Gorman should at least find out what it would cost to have Brinks or some other contractor perform the routinue tasks of responding to alarms and patroling school property. To do less means that no one is really serious about changing the culture at CMS.