Writer Edward Cline compares the situation Americans faced in 1774 with that of the present day here.

So, what was going on in 1774? Parliament had passed the Intolerable Acts, a series of laws meant to put the colonists firmly under the thumb of the British crown. The people were to be squeezed and ordered about for the purpose of raising revenue for the government — for spending that suited the King and his retinue.

I have been thinking about the comparison this way. The king and his minions didn’t care about the freedom of the colonists, but merely saw them as resources for the fulfillment of the government’s aims. That’s exactly how the Obama/Pelosi/Reid gang see us. Our rights to pursue our own aims in life end as soon as they conflict with their glorious vision for a “better” society. Individual liberty means as little to Obama as it did to King George.