The climategate saga is turning a new page. We are going from emails written in plain English, that most of us commoners can understand, to and analysis of computer programs that were also leaked as part of the our heroic whistle blowers efforts (whoever he or she may be). Computer geeks from around the world are examining the code used to massage the raw data–data that has been destroyed–as it gets fed into computer models. This article over at The American Thinker does a nice job of explaining how Penn. State’s Michael Mann tortured the data to get his now infamous and discredited “hockey stick” graph, which allegedly shows exponential warming over the last 60 years after a 1000 year period of basically constant temperatures. What the expert computer programmers are showing is that the code was written in such a way that the underlying data, no matter what it actually showed, had to produce a hockey stick shaped graph once subject to the model’s “fudge factor.” The article is well worth reading.