A congressional investigation into the Ft. Hood shootings has found the evil culprits responsible: The FBI and the U.S. Army:

A congressional investigation of the causes and response to the Fort Hood shootings faults the FBI and the Army for not doing enough to prevent the November 2009 massacre that left 13 people dead.

In a report set for release Thursday by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the FBI is criticized for failing to notify the Army about alleged gunman Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan’s extremist views, while the Army lapsed in identifying and responding to his changing beliefs.

And why did the FBI and the Army “fail” in their responsibilities to notify the relevant authorities that a Muslim nutjob was operating in their midsts? Because they would have been crucified on the cross of insensitivity and political incorrectness in an atmosphere encouraged by Congress and almost every other institution in American live over the past 30 years.

The real culprit in not identifying the danger of Hasan is the far left, which has preached multiculturalism and identity politics since the 1980s. Any criticism of one of their privileged minorities, racial or religious, has immediately been branded racism. The FBI and the Army, to their discredit, cowed to this insanity, and the loss of life by the likes of Hasan is the result.

Yes, the Army and the FBI were lax, but why? Let’s be sure to point to the, as liberals love to say, “root causes.”