It is amazing how leftists can turn any problem, even those caused by government, into an excuse for more government. There is nowhere that this is more evident than in the lefts view of healthcare and health insurance. The American left has taken an industry that is totally dominated by government spending and government regulation, points to problems caused by this spending and regulation, and then calls for more spending and regulation as a solution. A perfect example of this was Congressman Joe Sestak, Dem. of Pennsylvania and primary challenger to Arlen Spector in Democratic primary for Spector’s senate seat. Sestak, in appearance on Fox News’ Fox and Friends, said that the reason he favors a government health insurance plan is because in Pennsylvania the insurance industry had a monopoly. According to Sestak there are only two plans available to health insurance costumes in PA. But why would that be? If you search health insurance on the web you find scores of companies. The problem is that a national market in health insurance is prohibited by regulations; hence people in PA, or any other state, cannot cross state lines to get the insurance services they need. Of course the easy thing to do would be to tear down those walls that create the monopolies Sestak, and others, complain about. Instead we get the usual socialist answer to a monopoly problem, which is simply to substitute a government owned monopoly for privately owned monopolies created by the government.
by Locker Room contributor