From Chester Johns at the N.C. Institute for Constitutional Law:
Raleigh, NC. ? During the week of December 1 ? December 5, the following ?incentives? were publicly announced:
- Up to $2,000,000.00 to Sypris Technologies, Inc., by the North Carolina Job Development Investment Grant. The Morganton News Herald. December 4, 2008.
- $150,000.00 to Dynapar Co., from the One North Carolina Fund. December 3, 2008
- $142,000.00 to Precor, Inc., from the One North Carolina Fund. The Triad Business Journal. December4, 2008.
(I apologize for the lapse in sending these reports out. If there is anything positive to come of the recent economic downturn, it is that there are very few, sizable incentive packages being awarded!)
The North Carolina Institute for Constitutional Law compiles this information from media sources only as a public service to all North Carolina taxpayers.