From the what liberal bias? file, today’s Daily Tar Heel staff editorial on the Coulter speech contains this gem:
They argued that speakers such as Coulter tear communities apart and that student organizations that contribute more to the University community are not being funded sufficiently.
This is just too rich. As conservatives at Carolina Review have shown, leftist student groups get (a) a much larger amount and even (b) a greater proportion of their total requested amount of student fees than conservative students groups. From CR’s May 2003 issue, here is the breakdown:
? Conservative groups requested $25,780 and received $3,700 (14 percent).
? Leftist groups requested $99,484 and received $35,598 (36 percent).
Yet apparently leftist student groups “contribute to the University community” but conservative views “tear communities [did you notice it’s plural ? i.e., they affect not just the University community] apart.” Even when those leftist outfits sponsor farcical “teach-ins” about how the U.S. is secretly occupying, not liberating Iraq, or host “alternative” Sept. 11 memorials for those who can’t mourn with America but will for Chile, or sponsor other unifying events.