Cameron Hilditch writes for National Review Online about Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris‘ disturbing ideas.
Kamala Harris does not want to be the president of the United States. She wants to be the queen of the post-constitutional remnants of what used to be the United States. On first reading, this might seem like a hysterical and overblown claim, but it’s actually quite easy to support. All one has to do is read the description of the president’s duties in Article II of the Constitution and compare it with anything and everything Harris has ever said she would do if she found herself occupying the post; the two simply do not match up. In fact, judging by her own words and deeds, she would be much more suited to life as a 17th-century European monarch. Her real ideological allies are neither Bernie bros nor Biden boosters. They’re the Stuart kings of England — that loathsome dynasty that ruled over the Western-most isles of the Old World during the 1600s. Harris’s utter disdain for legislative checks on executive power and her autocratic disposition toward the machinery of the state make her and these long-dead white men birds of a feather when it comes to statecraft. 332 years after the Glorious Revolution, she is on a one-woman mission to Make Tyranny Great Again. …
… In matters of taxation and public spending, Harris is a woman after Charles I’s own heart; the two share a passion for eminent domain, of all things. Under Charles’s reign, landowners were fined for all encroachments made by their ancestors into royal forests since the reign of Richard I, more than four centuries earlier. This allowed the king to make use of land that had long since passed into private hands for his own purposes. Last year, Harris announced a $100 billion housing plan that would do something similar, albeit to less medieval ends and in a more sophisticated way.