The mainstream media are working overtime to cast the as-yet-unknown nominee for the Supreme Court as a raving lunatic. Dwayne Powells’ cartoon in this morning’s Raleigh News & Observer
is a good example. To Powell, and other Lefty-libs, any conservative is
a mastadon, the elephant equivalent of a Neanderthal. Any further to
the right of mastodon is, well, what is that creature he draws? I can’t
Meanwhile, on the N&O‘s op-ed page, Neil Siegel,
a former clerk for the court’s most left-wing member, Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, has the temerity to insist that Bush nominate a “moderate
conservative” to help heal a divided nation. But why is the nation
divided? I say it’s because of the puerile and irresponsible attitude
of Democrats and the Left since losing the Congress in 1994.Why should they be rewarded for bad behavior? Siegel should
remember that when Ginsburg was nominated by Bill Clinton she did not get one dissenting
vote in the Senate. The unctuous Joe Biden claims this is evidence of
her, and Clinton’s, centrism, when in actuality it is evidence of Republican good manners and reverence for tradition.
That Democrats don’t have the same level of civility is no reason to
reward the behavior they have displayed since 1994.