National Review Online’s Morning Jolt reports on a possible showdown between CPACers and Occupiers this weekend:
The language of the yahoos at Occupy D.C. sounds like an over-the-top parody, but this is apparently how they really think:
On February 9th through February 11th, a who’s who of dastardly politicians will be holding the Conservative Political Action Conference at the Marriot Wardman Park Hotel at 2660 Woodley Road, NW. Similar to the Alfalfa Club dinner, this event is another gathering of bigots, media mouthpieces, corrupt politicians, and their 1 percent elite puppet masters.
Our Mission: Occupy CPAC. Create as much non-violent resistance as possible, and make this a conference the attendees will never forget.Argh! How dare those conservatives get together on private property and hold meetings and chat with each other and listen to speeches and applaud! What, do they think this is a free country or something?
What bothers these losers is no particular activity at CPAC. What bothers these folks is that conservatives exist.
The protesters suggested pulling fire alarms in the hotel where the conference will take place, screaming “fire” during conference activities, “glitter-bombing” participants, cutting electrical power, and barricading entrances to the hotel, according to the source, who requested anonymity.“Speakers will be physically assaulted, not just verbally confronted,” the source told Scribe in an email. Two Occupiers, who the source also identified as members of the New Black Panther Party, “said they would be disappointed if they didn’t get arrested and planned to ‘make it count.'”
Or this could be the typical empty bravado.
“You can’t build a moral high ground on feces and glitter,” reminds Iowahawk.
You can however build high moral grounds on speaking out, staying well informed, believing in smaller government, fighting for lower taxes and accepting personal responsibility. Over half the expected attendees at this weekend’s conference are college students from across the country, like Wake Forest business school student, Madeline Keb, interviewed in this Washington Times piece:
“I am most worried about this tax-and-spend attitude had by Congress and the president that has bankrupted this country, Last time I checked, the debt was a little over 15 trillion dollars. The people making these reckless decisions will be out of office in a term or two – hopefully sooner – and my generation and younger will be left to deal with it. The solution is to stop spending money we don’t have.”
For the future of our country and at the rumble at CPAC this weekend, I’ll side with the CPACers any day.
BTW: Madeline Rebecca Keb is my niece and namesake. Pretty cool, huh?