I don’t see many movies, but this year I did see two that are nominated for best picture. Capote, I can understand. It’s the story of how Truman Capote got the story for In Cold Blood. Great story, great acting, well done.
Crash on the other hand
is hackneyed, contrived, and beyond redemption. It has a list of
familiar names including one of my favorite actors, Don Cheadle, but
they’re put in transparent situations like a chess challenge. All of
the “good” characters at the start of the movie are shown to have “bad”
traits and all of the “bad” people are shown to put aside their
prejudices, but they’re all annoying. Mr. and Mrs. Smith did a better job of challenging expectations. What did the Oscar voters think was so bad about Walk the Line that they had to get a movie that IMDB says was released in 2004?