I may have shared the old aviation and space technology joke about how a news story with a headline like, “Scientists Find Signs of Life on Mars,” translated to, “NASA Threatened with Funding Cuts.” Today, we read that MovieMaker Magazine has named the City of Asheville the second-best Mecca for filmmakers in ‘tarnation.
Well, maybe we could get the TDA to capture the fumigation angle: Every fumigator who relocates to Asheville with government perks could create ten direct jobs, forty indirect jobs, and 160 induced jobs while investing $1.2 million in the local economy over the next ten years.
For the third year in a row, Asheville placed in Orkin’s list of the top-50 cities in the U.S. that have the biggest bed bug infestations.
Who knows? Maybe we could create jobs for people to import invasive pests and further exponentiate the industry.