Durham Police shot and killed a robbery/carjacking suspect this morning at the Durham County Main Library downtown. A polling station. On election day. In an election in which one mayoral candidate made crime an issue and an incumbent who said it wasn’t really a problem. How long before some lefty commentators claim the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy engineered this?

UPDATE: According to The Herald-Sun, two of the men involved had Hispanic surnames, Hernandez and Vasquez. Though Hernandez escaped by kicking out a patrol car window, one wonders if the police, as per the city’s policy, asked Vasquez, and Hernandez before he got away, if they were here legally.

Back in September, if you’ll recall, there was a bit of a tiff about what exactly is the city’s policy on checking immigration status. After some discussion, even Police Chief Jose Lopez Sr. acknowledged that checking immigration status was important in a criminal investigation. I would think this qualifies as an instance in which those questions are appropriate.