Note: Rev. Jesse Jackson, post-gaffe gelding grip notwithstanding, didn’t say “cut his nuts off,” which would be standard, casual nomenclature for the reverend’s inferred wish. He didn’t say “off”; he said “out.” That could be important.

Surely cutting Obama’s nuts out would include alienating the following:

  • William Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and other former Weather Underground terrorists
  • Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the rest of the Marxist “Black Liberation Theology” followers
  • Tony Rezko, Woods Fund, Northern Trust, Jim Johnson, Countrywide, and the rest of that thorny branch of “Chicago-style” corruption
  • Radical bloggers affiliated with the Obama web sites
  • CodePink, ACORN (no pun intended), and hosts of other far-left activist groups

For starters. But so as not to create a vacuum, they should be replaced by things that might help give Obama a true appreciation for America’s founding liberties, rather than treat them as something worth only token reference before pushing nanny statism.