According to the headline: Absolute freedom of speech allows abuse of minorities

The headline continues along the post-publication spin on Crystall’s email: (1) first misrepresent what Tim said, then (2) state that the issue is not about speech, it’s about classroom control. I posit that if Crystall were concerned about “abhorrent” expressions in class from “white, heterosexual, [C]hristian males,” then she shouldn’t have started a discussion on “why heterosexual men feel threatened by homosexuals.”

While I’m discussing the DTH, I notice it has only one story under its “World Briefs” section. What in the world does it think the most fit to report on? This: “Israeli workers with chain saws cut down a Palestinian farmer’s olive grove Wednesday to make way for a West Bank security barrier.” Oh, my; it’s bad enough the Jews are “occupying” [a very small percentage of] Palestine, but now they’re cutting down trees as well!